Activators & Appliers

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3M Solventum Aplicap Activator

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3M Aplicap Activator Aplicap Capsule Activator and Applier are used for capsule activation before mixing and for application of the ready-mixed capsule contents. > Easy activation and application of the Aplicap capsule. Suggested Applications > Activation of Aplicap capsule

3M Solventum Aplicap Applier

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3M Aplicap Applier Aplicap Capsule Activator and Applier are used for capsule activation before mixing and for application of the ready-mixed capsule contents. > Easy activation and application of the Aplicap capsule. Suggested Applications > Application of Aplicap capsule

3M Solventum Maxicap Activator

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3M Maxicap Activator Activates the Maxicap system by piercing the pouch containing the liquid that is concealed within the Maxicap capsule to prepare the powder and liquid for mixing during the mix cycle.

3M Solventum Maxicap Applier

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3M Maxicap Applier The applier securely holds the mixed Maxicap capsule and is used to deliver the material directly to the tooth or preparation.