Accessories & Organisers
ADM Endofoam C for Odontostand Blue (50)
ADM Endofoam C for Odontostand Blue
Endofoam C is suitable for the Odontostand and neatly fits within the cap and provides a clean area for the storage of files during root canal treatment. Endofoam C is autoclavable.
ADM Endofoam PVP for Odontostand (49)
ADM Endofoam PVP for Odontostand
ADM’s Endofoam PVP is the very latest in file cleaning foam technology and involves a patented foam construction which cleans files like no other foam on the market. It is triple-layered consisting of a thin low density foam layer, an extended 4mm thick scourer layer and a 25mm thick high density foam. There’s nothing else like it on the market. Endofoam forms part of the Parashos Validated Protocol which is the only validated protocol for cleaning and reusing rotary NiTi files. It is based on the work of Dr Peter Parashos from the University of Melbourne.
Endofoam PVP is single use when used on patients within a clinical setting however Endofoam may be autoclaved if required prior to use.
Endofoam PVP is multiple use when used within a sterilising environment for the cleaning of multiple nickel titanium endodontic files as part of the Parashos Validated Protocol.
Endofoam PVP can be used on standard hand files and has a superior cleaning action when compared to standard foam products.
ADM Endofoam PVP Mini for Odontoring (100)
ADM Endofoam PVP Mini for Odontoring
Endofoam PVP Minis are designed to be utilised in the Odontoring. They have an embedded scourer layer within the foam allowing for thorough cleaning of endodontic files. Endofoam PVP Minis are autoclavable.
ADM Endofoam S Plain Grey (50)
ADM Endofoam S Plain Grey
Endofoam S and Endofoam SA are cubic foam pieces suitable for the storing and cleaning of files during endodontic procedures. Endofoam SA is self adhesive and can be attached to a bracket table for convenience. Both foams are autoclavable.
ADM Endofoam SA with Adhesive Back Grey (50)
ADM Endofoam SA with Adhesive Back Grey
Endofoam S and Endofoam SA are cubic foam pieces suitable for the storing and cleaning of files during endodontic procedures. Endofoam SA is self adhesive and can be attached to a bracket table for convenience. Both foams are autoclavable.
ADM Endofoam T1 Triangles Green (56)
ADM Endofoam T1 Triangles
Endofoam T1 and T2 triangular endodontic cushions are suitable for dentists who use ADM’s Odontoring or any other endodontic ring on the market. They are available in grey or green which allows for the distinguishing of new and used files. Endofoam T1 and T2 are autoclavable.
ADM Endofoam T2 Triangles Grey (56)
ADM Endofoam T1 Triangles
Endofoam T1 and T2 triangular endodontic cushions are suitable for dentists who use ADM’s Odontoring or any other endodontic ring on the market. They are available in grey or green which allows for the distinguishing of new and used files. Endofoam T1 and T2 are autoclavable.
ADM Odontoring Endodontic Organiser
ADM Odontoring Endodontic Organiser
With ADM’s Odontoring you have the option of both an endodontic ring worn on your finger, or as a stand on your bracket table. Odontoring has an integrated well for a lubricant such as Odontoprep and a built in ruler for the accurate measuring of endodontic files. Odontoring is made from a high quality plastic allowing for the Odontoring to be autoclaved. Odontoring was designed to be used with Endofoam PVP Minis which have a scourer embedded within the foam layers. Odontorings can also utilise Endofoam T1 and T2. Odontoring comes in two colours, translucent gold and clinical white.
ADM Odontostand Endodontic Organiser Black
ADM Odontostand Endodontic Organiser
Odontostand is an autoclavable endodontic organiser which can be used with both Endofoam C and Endofoam PVP. It has an internal well which can be filled with a cleaning solution of your choice such as chlorhexidine. Odontostand has a unique locking cap which doubles as a finger rest and guard when motioning files in and out of the foam. This makes it safer for the dentist and staff to use.
Odontostand forms an important part of the Parashos Validated Protocol which allows for the cleaning and reuse of endodontic files. The Parashos Validated Protocol is the only validated method in the world for the cleaning and reuse of rotary endodontic files and was developed by Dr Peter Parashos from the University of Melbourne.
Odontostands are available in translucent gold or gloss black and are autoclavable.
ADM Odontostand Endodontic Organiser Translucent Gold
ADM Odontostand Endodontic Organiser
Odontostand is an autoclavable endodontic organiser which can be used with both Endofoam C and Endofoam PVP. It has an internal well which can be filled with a cleaning solution of your choice such as chlorhexidine. Odontostand has a unique locking cap which doubles as a finger rest and guard when motioning files in and out of the foam. This makes it safer for the dentist and staff to use.
Odontostand forms an important part of the Parashos Validated Protocol which allows for the cleaning and reuse of endodontic files. The Parashos Validated Protocol is the only validated method in the world for the cleaning and reuse of rotary endodontic files and was developed by Dr Peter Parashos from the University of Melbourne.
Odontostands are available in translucent gold or gloss black and are autoclavable.
ADM Periofoam Instrument Cleaning Cushions with Adhesive Back (50)
ADM Periofoam Instrument Cleaning Cushions with Adhesive Back
Periofoam is a self adhesive cleaning sponge designed for the cleaning of dental hand instruments such as scalers and base applicators. Periofoams can be affixed to the dental bracket table for convenient use. The high-quality foam is specifically sculpted to facilitate the cleaning process.
DiaDent Dia-Endoring Finger Ruler
DiaDent Dia-Endoring Finger Ruler
> Gauges from 1mm to 30 mm
> Simple & practical design for measuring hand and rotary files
> Gold plated ring prevents colour change
> Suitable for use by both right and left handed clinicians
> Dimensions 45mm x 25mm x 15mm (WxHxD)
DiaDent Dia-GP Gauge
DiaDent Dia-GP Gauge
> Designed to size the perfect master cone from any gutta percha point using the ISO drilled holes
> Measure gutta percha points without using time-consuming scissors to make the correct apical fit
> Drop gutta percha point into the preferred apical size hole and cut off with a blade
> Millimetre gauge included
> Dimensions 92mm x 3mm x 20mm (WxHxD)
> Autoclavable
DiaDent Endo Finger Ring Cups (48)
DiaDent Endo Finger Ring Cups
> 48 disposable cups
DiaDent Endo Finger Ring Kit
DiaDent Endo Finger Ring
> Provides complete control of endodontic files
> Disposable sponges hold files in a convenient position
> Autoclavable, except for disposable cups
> 48 disposable cups
> 48 disposable sponges
> 3 finger rings
> 2 cup rings
DiaDent Endo Stops Assorted (120)
DiaDent Endo Stops
> Directional type
> Assorted colours
> 120 stops per packet
DiaDent File Measuring Block
DiaDent File Measuring Block
> Plastic file measure block
> 32 measuring grades
> Gauge from 12mm to 27.5mm, in 0.5mm increments
> Dimensions 87mm x 31mm x 20mm (WxHxD)
> Autoclavable
DiaDent Steri Endo Guard with Ruler Blue
DiaDent Steri Endo Guard with Ruler
> Holds 16 NiTi and /or rotary files
> Suitable right or left hand use
> Insert a sponge to clean or hold files
DiaDent Steri Endo Guard with Ruler Yellow
DiaDent Steri Endo Guard with Ruler
> Holds 16 NiTi and /or rotary files
> Suitable right or left hand use
> Insert a sponge to clean or hold files